Science is not only knowledge but also an art. This art is explored, experimented & practiced in Science Labs.
Students enjoy doing….
- Fun Experiments
- Science fair ideas
- Organic/ Inorganic chemical handling & analysis.
- Day to day Electrical & Electronic component usage.
- Magical power of magnets.
- Light Characteristics.
- Life Science activities.
- Micro Organisms slides.
- Human Anatomy charts
- Models
- Dissecting sets
- Microscope
Computer is taught as a compulsory subject from Std. – III onwards.
Our computer lab is equipped with computers & is open to all students. All computers have access to applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases & programming in a variety of languages like LOGO, BASIC, HTML, C & C++. The computers are equipped with network access to allow students to explore the internet.
Mathematics laboratory is an important section of school here students perform syllabus based activities & projects. As per CBSE requirements the school encourages teachers & students to make use of Math lab as much as possible. In order to make learning of mathematics more pragmatic & life oriented at the school level.Well equiped Mathematics Lab with all facilities.
Main Objectives of Math Lab are:-
- Making teaching & learning of the subject interactive, participatory, fun filling & joyful from primary stage of schooling.
- Strengthening the learning of mathematical concepts through concrete materials & hands on experiences.
- Relating classroom learning to real life situations & discourage role & mechanical learning.
- Providing tools & instruments for practical verification of mathematical concepts.
- The fear for study of mathematics should be diffused.
- The learning of mathematics should be made more pragmatic & life oriented at the school level.
- There is a need to improve the pedagogy in mathematics to enhance analytical & critical thinking.
- The students can be evaluated on their mathematical skills by continuous & comprehensive evaluation.